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Athletic Trainers: An Integral Part of Utica College Athletics

Article reposted from The Tangerine
Author: Jordan Hughes

The hard work and long hours trainers put in does not go unnoticed. Making sure each athlete is at peak health and ready for competition is not a simple task, one they must perform day in and day out.

You can find them on the sidelines, but most of the time you can catch them in the trainer’s room located in the athletic center. At times, the room is filled wall to wall with student-athletes getting ready for practice or even games.

The trainers offer a variety of services from taping ankles and such to even some physical therapy. They really do take care of the athletes in whatever way they need in order to get them to a state of peak physical condition. If you’re a student athlete here at Utica College and you need anything, be sure to stop by the trainer’s room to get whatever you need.

There are a total of five trainers on campus, not including student trainers that assist them. Each sports team has a trainer assigned to them. The head trainer is Chris Warner and he is the primary trainer for the men’s hockey team and also the softball team. Assistant trainer, Dawn Corbin, is the primary trainer for the football team and also the baseball team.

The other trainers consist of Kristin Garrity, James Murphy and Courtney Crawford. Garrity works directly with the men’s lacrosse team while Murphy works alongside the women’s hockey team. Crawford is the primary athletic trainer for the women’s lacrosse team.

Corbin spends most her time either on the field with both teams or in the office helping out the athletes. Corbin attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania and University of Virginia for her masters in athletic training.

“I like being involved in all parts of the athlete’s experience,” Corbin said.

Student trainers also help out with sports teams, Cassandra Plows and Charlie McAllister are those lucky people. Balancing both school and training can prove to be a challenging task, but getting the experience Is very beneficial. These students have a true passion for athletic training because balancing both school and training isn’t easy. This opportunity is a great one for these two, gaining experience before even graduating.

McAllister is currently a sophomore physical therapy major here at UC. He is also a member of the baseball team. He currently works with the women’s soccer team, this making him a work study for the team.

McAllister travels with the team to all away games and attends every home game where he reports for duty on the sidelines. Working with the team has taught him how to do proper taping techniques. This has surely been an experience he will never forget. He found something he is passionate about and will continue to pursue after he graduates.

“I’d love to do physical therapy for a professional team after I’m all done and graduated,” McAllister said.

Another student trainer is Cassandra Plows, a physical therapy major with hopes to becomes a sports therapist after she graduates. Plows has taken her passion for the world of sports and applied it to her area of study.

“The most rewarding part is working with the teams and treating their injuries,” Plows said.

Currently Plows is about to start working with both the men’s and women’s hockey team, two of the arguably most time demanding teams. Hockey is a tough sport, players take a beating on and off the ice.

Next time you attend a sporting event and see a trainer on the sideline, note this, every player on the field/court has been helped by them in some way. Appreciate them, they work very hard.