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Ohio Athletic Trainers Participate in Mass Casualty Training

UD Arena is holding an Emergency Preparedness training session this morning for the Premier Health athletic trainers who serve school systems throughout the Miami Valley.

The mass casualty training is from 8 a.m. to noon.

A portion of the arena will be the scene of an “explosion.”

Trainers will have to use their knowledge in a realistic setting that will include smoke, lights, moulaged actors and other effects to simulate a real-life event where they must render emergent care to injured people.


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University of Dayton Gets new Digs

Dayton athletic trainer Mike Mulcahey roamed his new work space at UD Arena on Tuesday like a kid in ToysRUs. He pointed out a couple of his his new toys: a Dynatronics Solaris 709 Plus machine and a Vectra Neo Modular Electrotherapy System.

If Dayton athletes need ultrasound, electronic stimulation, laser therapy or heat and cold probes, Mulcahey and his staff can provide treatment with those machines. Mulcahey said he has seen the Neo machines only in the NFL. The renovated Donoher Center, which was built with $4 million in private donations, features a training room that Mulcahey described as a “1,000 percent state of the art.”

“We have the best tools to keep these (players) healthy,” Mulcahey said.

The room is a short walk from the tunnel leading to the arena floor and the men’s and women’s basketball and football locker rooms. It includes elevated training tables that are seven feet long and two inches thick, big enough for 6-11 center Steve McElvene.

“We tried it out,” Mulcahey said. “His toes come right to the end of the table.”

There are also two hot and cold tubs. One is set to 51 degrees, the other to 103.5.

Mulcahey and the Dayton coaches and trainers knew this upgrade was coming, but photos didn’t do it justice. When they finally saw their new digs, which includes fancy new locker rooms and meeting areas with pool tables and televisions mounted on the walls, they couldn’t believe it.

“The neatest part was seeing the players come in,” Mulcahey said. “They don’t take it for granted. It’s extremely appreciated.”